Five essential tools for electrical estimators

In this video, Countfire’s Product Specialist Phil Kober walks us through the five tools electrical estimators should consider adopting including:
1. Estimating software
2. Takeoff software
3. PDF editor
4. Notes app
5. Dedicated workspace
You can read the transcription of this video below.
Hi, I'm Phil Kober. I've been an estimator for the past nine years and today I wanted to go through some of the tools and equipment that we use in estimating because it can be quite overwhelming.
So I think the most important thing is to have an estimating software. I mean, when I first started I was working on pen and paper and the monotony of just writing out the same things over and over again for multiple jobs was tiring. When I moved to a company that actually used an estimating software package you could be far more secure in the knowledge that your costs are more accurate and safe and it takes all of the human error element out of your hands.
I always find that takeoff software is also essential, mostly because my time can be spent actually working on the project drawing rather than hunched over a drawing board.
Other tools that are useful are things like a PDF editor, so working with a PDF editor rather than printing out specifications and marking them by hand just gives you that freedom to make it a little bit clearer, and also send it to other colleagues so you can collaborate on the same project document. Doing this means they may pick up on something that you didn't.
A notes app is also really useful. Something like Evernote is handy because you can keep clear, concise notes that are dated and you can share those with your team. If you have any requests for information at any point or clarifications that you think of that won't be relevant until further down the project you can make a note of them and always come back to them.
Lastly, having two monitors so you can have one screen that's for your specifications and another for your drawings is always really useful.
You can watch more estimating tips and tricks on our YouTube Channel.
In this video, Countfire’s Product Specialist Phil Kober walks us through the five tools electrical estimators should consider adopting including:
1. Estimating software
2. Takeoff software
3. PDF editor
4. Notes app
5. Dedicated workspace
You can read the transcription of this video below.
Hi, I'm Phil Kober. I've been an estimator for the past nine years and today I wanted to go through some of the tools and equipment that we use in estimating because it can be quite overwhelming.
So I think the most important thing is to have an estimating software. I mean, when I first started I was working on pen and paper and the monotony of just writing out the same things over and over again for multiple jobs was tiring. When I moved to a company that actually used an estimating software package you could be far more secure in the knowledge that your costs are more accurate and safe and it takes all of the human error element out of your hands.
I always find that takeoff software is also essential, mostly because my time can be spent actually working on the project drawing rather than hunched over a drawing board.
Other tools that are useful are things like a PDF editor, so working with a PDF editor rather than printing out specifications and marking them by hand just gives you that freedom to make it a little bit clearer, and also send it to other colleagues so you can collaborate on the same project document. Doing this means they may pick up on something that you didn't.
A notes app is also really useful. Something like Evernote is handy because you can keep clear, concise notes that are dated and you can share those with your team. If you have any requests for information at any point or clarifications that you think of that won't be relevant until further down the project you can make a note of them and always come back to them.
Lastly, having two monitors so you can have one screen that's for your specifications and another for your drawings is always really useful.
You can watch more estimating tips and tricks on our YouTube Channel.